About the author
Erik Mannens is Professor @ UAntwerp (on Sustainable AI) & Professor @ Ghent University (on Semantic Intelligence).
Until recently he was leading a team of +125 researchers @ UAntwerp on Sustainable AI. Prior
to that, he headed a Data Science team of +50 Semantic Technologies
& Artificial Intelligence Researchers @ Ghent University for over a
decade. Generically, he is also committed to the Open Source, Open
Access & Open Knowledge movements. In Flanders he also is part of
the Smart City "City of Things" & Open Knowledge Foundation
Where are you heading to?
Looking at my past decade of AI research, from now on I want to make an enduring impression and embark on a joint mission with the sole purpose "AI for Sustainability through Sustainability of AI". Being part of the think tank "The Long-term Society", I want to reflect on how we envision our world to be in 2080, one where Our Blue Marble aka "Spaceship" Earth (where all resources are scarce) is in full symbiosis with human society. I want this vision to be reflected in what projects we do or research we want to take forward! … I want it to be a rewarding fourth decade of the Internet … It will! I will be having a (marble) ball. So, where is your organisation heading to?